Saturday, October 28, 2006


Blogging can be fun but most of the time it's like feeling incredibly disconnected. Somehow it feels like retarded a bit. You have "chatting" where, at least you're conversing with someone who hopefully is half real. I mean, really it mostly is a monologue with yourself. Do you read other people's blog? If you do, why? Do you contact te blogger? Interact or just read?

But nobody will ever read your shit if you don't have anything of value (to them). When you communicate, you have to communicate to connect with others. If you do not think of a listener, a reader, someone, then it makes it hard toget into a story. I find.

When you write on a blog, the response is delayed. It can be more like writing a very short book.

If I'd write books they'd be illustrated. Like those "graphic novels"


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