Saturday, July 08, 2006

Revisions, revisions - The story of my nutrition.

In a previous post, I was oh-ing and ah-ing about the Weston Price Foundation's new-to-me wonderful "recommendations" as I was influenced by this nutritionist that works with me and my urge to do something to improve my diet.

However, there are quite a few things bothering me about the WPF and some of its supporter: they seem to misinformed, animal products pushers. Like this Dr. Mercola buddy. Although I've tried only for a short while to be 'vegetarian' [2 years] and I sucked at being 'vegan' [mmm, say about 3 whole months of actual veganism ahahah!] I just always thought that this was a saner way to go, especially considering the shape our planet is in.

But truth be told, one of my problem, even when I 'try' to be vegetarian or vegan, is a pretty strong addiction to sugars in particular, and chewing in general. I think it is a sort of soothing thing, and I have never being able to solve this problem to date. I am about to embark yet another food journey and another attempt at reducing my food addictions - and god may you be with me. This time, I will be as off as posssible from artificial sweetners (like aspartame, and the like) I may use a bit of stevia. But the goal is to find out what's behind this sugar addiction and curb it.

But, now that I have confessed my nutritional sins to the world, I can comfort myself a bit: I also know better. During my experimental diet year, if you set apart the aspartame problem, I was actually eating pretty well. I ate lots and lots of veggies. I still used animal products like low fat yogurt, cottage cheese, some chicken and fish. This time, I will cut even more in the animal products department: goal being to reduce their use to nil, appart from the odd family dinner situations or parties...

Honestly, I am a bit concerned that I won't be able to do it, or to maintain this diet for a long time. How I pep myself up again is I remember that it took me five tries - I think I memtioned that before - to quit smoking over about 4 years, but in the end, I made it, I can do it again. It might be a bit embarrassing if sombody I've preached the joy of good vegan nutrition before spots me at the local french fries joint, but I am willing to take the embarrasing risk of not being perfect, and I will learn.



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