Sunday, July 02, 2006

Fluoride and Tendonitis - Tracing back the source of an lifelong health issue.

The more I read about this lovely chemical that is added to most of Quebec and Ontario's city water, the more perplexed I get.

In 92 I was 20 years old, and pretty active. That year though, I had several urinary tract infections, and I also started to have chronic tendonitis in my Ilio-Tibial band (other tendonitis would follow, in my wrists and my shoulders later on...). My physiotherapist at the time had told me that tendonitis was a condition classed as an 'over training injury', which basically means 'you get it when you go from couch potato to intense activity'. What's the link between urinary tract infetion and tendonitis? Fluoride.

Not only I was getting pretty good dose of fluoride throughout my youth from the water or at the dentist office, I was now also getting large quantities of it that year in the form of a Fluoroquinolone type of antibiotic for my reoccuring urinary tract infections. What ticks me off is that Fluoroquinolones (perhaps fluoride in general) seems to create susseptibilities to musculo-skeletal disorders such as tendonitis.

The plot thickens.



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