Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fluoride, my friend.

In an effort to understand why my mom, other people in my family, friends, as well as I all have some form or another of thyroid malfunction, I have made an effort to find information and documentation as much as possible.

There are already a few things I have stopped using, just use way less, including soy products, anything from the cabbage family. I still eat broccoli once in a while, but less.

The one thing that disturbs me most though is the effect of fluoride.

I am a fluoride kid. I had those white lill spots on my teeths. You know: the ones some scientifics say are associated with the early stages of fluorosis.

Strange as it is, as I am writting this, I still have a fresh tube of fluoride tooth paste waiting for me in the bathroom. Sadly, it only just hit me now that fluoride might not be as good as 'they' say it is. I guess the American Association of dentists must have convinced me that I didn't need to research this topic before buying fluoride products.

But apart from being sold as a dental "health" is said that the "total daily fluoride intake by the individual must be considered. Exposure to airborne fluorides from many diverse manufacturing processes—pesticide applications, phosphate fertilizer production, aluminum smelting, uranium enrichment facilities, coal-burning and nuclear power plants, incinerators, glass etching, petroleum refining and vehicle emissions—can be considerable". This can all contributed to fluoride toxixity in the body.

Household exposures to fluorides can occur with the use of Teflon pans, fluorine-based products, insecticides sprays...On top of that, some people have to consume extra amounts of fluoride through fluorine-based medications such as Prozac, which greatly adds to fluoride's anti-thyroid effects. Many foods contain high levels of flouride compounds due to pesticide applications. One of the worse offenders is grapes. Soy infant formula is high in both fluoride and aluminum. Tea is very high in fluoridemand aluminium from pollution of soil and air (apparenlty the tea leaves absorb more fluoride than other plants).

What is the link to the thyroid?

The enamel defects observed in hypothyroidism are identical to "dental fluorosis." Endemic fluorosis areas have been shown to be the same as those affected with iodine deficiency, considered to be the world's single most important and preventable cause of mental retardation,75 affecting 740 million people a year. Iodine deficiency causes brain disorders, cretinism, miscarriages and goiter, among many other diseases. Synthroid, the drug most commonly prescribed for hypothyroidism, became the top selling drug in the US in 1999, according to Scott-Levin's Source Prescription Audit, clearly indicating that hypothyroidism is a major health problem. Many more millions are thought to have undiagnosed thyroid problems.

oh my.
All of a sudent, I am scared.
|||||||the rest post here|||||||||


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