Sunday, July 16, 2006

Revised food pyramid

Here are some recommendations from good ol Neal and Joel

1. Veggies are the base of the pyramid: 30-70% of calories.
Eat them in industrial quantities. Especially Coloured ones. Eat them fresh first, seared, steamed, lacto-fermented and home canned, broiled, or dried - in this approximate order of preference. Avoid frying them, Avoid commercial canned veggies, and highly processed just add water type of veggie preparations when possible. If you have the budget, buy seasonal, local grown organics as much as possible. You'll get extra pointage from mama Gaia.

2. Fruits: 20-50% of calories.

3. Beans: 10-30% of calories.

4. Fish and Dairy products
No more than twice a week or less (20 ounces).

5. Chicken, eggs and oils
No more than once a week or 10 ounces or less (for chicken). Do not supplement your nutrition with oils, even flax or hemp (unless your 'good' doctor say you should temporarily). Rather, use crushed fresh seeds and nuts in moderate quantities.

6. Avoid sugars, greasy and refined foods
Use salt in moderation (avoid canned food and processed for that reason)

7. Avoid alcool
They are linked to breast cancer, diabetes...

8. Avoid caffeine and pop
They deplete bones.

10. AVOID commercially processed foods.
They contain MSG, dyes, preservatives and other additives, sometimes not even listed on the package!

In this category are:
Cookies, cakes, crackers, TV dinners, pop, candy bars, luncheon meats, sausages, packaged sauce mixes, etc. Avoid artificial food additives, especially MSG, certain food dyes, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and aspartame, which are neurotoxins. Avoid most soups, sauce and broth mixes and commercial condiments.

9. Do not use supplements, except B12 if on a total vegan diet and/or vitamin D if you don't get enough sun.

11. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel. Avoid plastic containers, teflon coated pots and pans, and Aluminium. Avoid aluminum-containing foods such as commercial salt, baking powder and antacids. Do not use aluminum-containing deodorants. Do not drink fluoridated water.

12. Do not use microwave ovens.

13. Get plenty of sleep, exercise about 4hours a week or more and get some natural light.

20. Think positive thoughts and minimize stress. Practice forgiveness.



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