Sunday, October 17, 2004

Just above the "Ride Technicians."

Is it normal that you have to take home some work for a mid-thirty grand a year type of salary? I mean I am new to this salary thing and seems I have to do at least 2-3hours of overtime a week. Problem is, you can 't bank it, and they don't pay for it. Don't even try to f*cking mentionned a thing to the big tomato, unless you really need a change and you want to have that decision taken for you.

It's great and I love my new work, but it's just things like that that really leave me perplexed. then it all makes a lot of sense that a lot of people in the coporate world are out of shape: You're just mentally exausted after your week of stress. A few people, like my brother seem to pull through like it was a breaze: cycling to work; taking a few more days on a "conference" in Utha to go mountian biking, or skiing in Switzerland. But I am not in that world. I feel like in between the dirt bag culture which regard me as a workaolic, and the corporate, city world which regard me as a hick: Don't even think about going to that design conference girl! Why would they send YOU, bottom feeder.

After all, as my friend and previous co-worker M-ski always said: "we are just above the carnies".

I hope he's not right.


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